OPS4J Pax Runner - Eclipse Plugin UI - Feature

OPS4J Pax Runner - Eclipse Plugin UI - Feature

OPS4J Pax Runner - Eclipse plugin that adds launch configurations for all the platforms / versions supported by Pax Runner. See details at http://wiki.ops4j.org/confluence/x/0QBN

Version Repository Kutymer Dato
1.6.x 1.6.0 central mar. 01, 2011
1.5.x 1.5.0 central sep. 13, 2010
1.4.x 1.4.0 central jan. 22, 2010
1.3.x 1.3.0 central okt. 21, 2009
1.2.x 1.2.1 central sep. 23, 2009
1.2.0 central sep. 20, 2009
1.1.x 1.1.1 central jun. 28, 2009
1.1.0 central jun. 27, 2009