Apereo CAS Client for Java - Distributed Proxy Storage Support: Memcached

Apereo CAS Client for Java - Distributed Proxy Storage Support: Memcached

Apereo CAS Client for Java is the integration point for applications that want to speak with a CAS server, either via the CAS 1.0 or CAS 2.0/3.0 protocol.

Compile afhængigheder (5)

Provided afhængigheder (1)

Gruppe / Artefakt Version Nyere Version
jakarta.servlet » jakarta.servlet-api 6.0.0 NA

Test afhængigheder (3)

Gruppe / Artefakt Version Nyere Version
org.slf4j » jcl-over-slf4j 2.0.9 NA
org.slf4j » slf4j-simple 2.0.9 NA
junit » junit 4.13.2 NA